June 6-9, 2024
Yoga Journal’s #1 yoga festival you need to know about. Join us for four days of world-class yoga instruction, authentic connection and guided adventure in beautiful Bend, Oregon. You are welcome here.

As with all things in life, this schedule is subject to change. While it’s unlikely to happen, we invite you to practice aparigraha and santosha if it does.

All events are rain or shine; be prepared with layers for rapid temperature changes, with the exception of lightning, which if forecasted, may require cancellation of a paddle session.
avatar for Tracie Sage

Tracie Sage

Love & Relationship Coach and Yoga Teacher

Contact Me

I’m a country gal living a natural healthy lifestyle in a small rural town and community that I love. I'm also blessed to follow my calling as an international love catalyst and relationship coach with a background in movement therapy, yoga, herbs and counseling. I coach individuals and couples to radically improve their most intimate relationships as well as leading transformational yoga retreats for personal growth enthusiasts who love nature, travel, yoga, fitness and delicious, healthy food. I also offer Custom Flower Essence Sessions to support mental, emotional and energetic well-being. Joyfully in service of love, Tracie