June 6-9, 2024
Yoga Journal’s #1 yoga festival you need to know about. Join us for four days of world-class yoga instruction, authentic connection and guided adventure in beautiful Bend, Oregon. You are welcome here.

As with all things in life, this schedule is subject to change. While it’s unlikely to happen, we invite you to practice aparigraha and santosha if it does.

All events are rain or shine; be prepared with layers for rapid temperature changes, with the exception of lightning, which if forecasted, may require cancellation of a paddle session.
Riverbend Park | WATER TENT [clear filter]
Saturday, June 8

8:30am PDT

All Levels Partner & AcroYoga

This AcroYoga workshop will explore an equal balance of yin and yang, acrobatics and restorative partner yoga. Embody joy and playful curiosity as we explore group asana, partner supported inversions, basic acrobatics, partner flying and supported savasana. Get your feet off the ground with the support of a partner in a safe & fun environment while experiencing the exchange of trust and compassionate communication.

A little asana, followed by guided partner practices. 

avatar for Deven Sisler

Deven Sisler

Founder/Lead Teacher Kids Yoga Teacher Training, Deven Sisler Yoga
Deven is an internationally renowned yoga teacher known for her playful, philosophical approach to yoga, partner yoga and AcroYoga. She has been teaching children, families and adults since 2005 in NYC. She is the founder of her own Kids Yoga & Mindfulness teacher training, is a forerunner... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am PDT
Riverbend Park | WATER TENT
  Holistic Yoga Workshop
  • Experience Level All levels
  • Production Notes acoustic

10:30am PDT

Ahiṃsā in the Real World

Ahiṃsā, अहिंसा, or non-harming, is a fundamental tenet of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. It sounds great on paper, but how do we bring this principle into our lives, onto the yoga mat, and into relationships in the broader world? Together, we'll dig into these questions through discussion, dynamic yoga practice, meditation and reflection.

Lecture 15%; Asana practice 65%; Meditation/Reflection 10%; Q & A 10%

BRING: Notebook and pen

avatar for Angie Norwood

Angie Norwood

Founder, Owner, CONTINUUM, a School of Shadow Yoga
When I'm not teaching yoga, you can find me romping through the forest with my 80-pound puppy, sharing a good cup of coffee with a friend or creating something new in the kitchen. I'm truly honored to be part of the BYF faculty this year, and look forward to connecting at a yoga class... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 10:30am - 12:00pm PDT
Riverbend Park | WATER TENT
  Yogā Philosophy
  • Production Notes acoustic

2:00pm PDT

Shoulders | The Wings of the Heart

Freedom and stability in the shoulders helps us express ourselves, connect with others, and do our work in the world. This practical workshop includes instruction and asana variations to stabilize what is weak and release what is bound, creating more freedom in the shoulders and a clear connection to the outer world.

 Lecture 15%; Guided Practice 75%; Discussion 10%

avatar for Angie Norwood

Angie Norwood

Founder, Owner, CONTINUUM, a School of Shadow Yoga
When I'm not teaching yoga, you can find me romping through the forest with my 80-pound puppy, sharing a good cup of coffee with a friend or creating something new in the kitchen. I'm truly honored to be part of the BYF faculty this year, and look forward to connecting at a yoga class... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm PDT
Riverbend Park | WATER TENT

4:00pm PDT

The Art of Apnea

This is an active learning workshop dedicated to dialing you in and giving you a deeper understanding of yourself. Apnea, otherwise known as the breath hold, is not only a form of fitness and strength building. It is also a form of active meditation.

This class is for the athlete, fitness enthusiast, entrepreneur, health care worker, or anyone trying to have a better grasp on stress and anxiety management.

This is a level 1 class, and is perfect for beginners.

Adam is a certified performance breathing coach with years of experience. He is looking forward to sharing this experience with you!

"Learn to hold your breath, and you will have a deep understanding of yourself." - Natalie Molchanova woman's free diving champion and multiple world record holder (

BRING: A phone or something to keep track of time for the exercises

avatar for Adam Spillman

Adam Spillman

Breathwork Facilitator, Oxygen Collective
🌟 Meet Adam Spillman, Your Guide to Optimal Well-being 🌟Five years ago, Adam embarked on a transformative journey when faced with a life-altering diagnosis, Stage 3c testicular cancer. In the depths of uncertainty, and after being given one week to live without treatment he... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm PDT
Riverbend Park | WATER TENT
Sunday, June 9

8:30am PDT

Reversing Sympathetic Nervous System Dominance

There is a new syndrome sweeping our country, driving people towards yoga and holistic healing. It is extreme sympathetic nervous system dominance, which  creates the feeling of being “wired and tired”. This overstimulation robs people of sleep, calm, and focus. It also fuels the flames of inflammation.

There is an antidote to this problem. Its roots lie in restoring vagal tone. The vagus nerve, the Xth cranial, is the powerhouse of the “rest and digest” system. In this workshop, we'll dive into ways to stimulate the vagus nerve and put its beneficial regulation to work.

avatar for Emily Wolbers, ND

Emily Wolbers, ND

QC Natural Health
Emily Wolbers is inspired by all things Health. She is a Naturopathic Doctor and has a Digestion & Nutrition-focused practice in Portland, Oregon. She has been teaching yoga since 2013. She completed her initial training at the White Lotus Foundation and continued on to take Advanced... Read More →

Sunday June 9, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am PDT
Riverbend Park | WATER TENT
  Applied Yoga Therapeutics
  • Experience Level All levels
  • Music None
  • Pre-requisite: None
  • Production Notes acoustic

10:30am PDT

FULL - Partner Yoga & Thai - FULL

Partner Yoga & Thai | Unwind from the full festival weekend by giving and receiving supportive, relaxing touch. Enjoy deep stretching and a long savasana with hands on assists. 

This will be a partner movement class incorporating touch.

If you bring a partner, your partner choice will be honored. 

avatar for Deven Sisler

Deven Sisler

Founder/Lead Teacher Kids Yoga Teacher Training, Deven Sisler Yoga
Deven is an internationally renowned yoga teacher known for her playful, philosophical approach to yoga, partner yoga and AcroYoga. She has been teaching children, families and adults since 2005 in NYC. She is the founder of her own Kids Yoga & Mindfulness teacher training, is a forerunner... Read More →

Sunday June 9, 2024 10:30am - 12:00pm PDT
Riverbend Park | WATER TENT
  Holistic Yoga Workshop
  • Experience Level All levels

2:00pm PDT

Meditation and Mantra | Japa and the Gayatri Mantra

Many find the topic of meditation to be daunting, scary and just plain difficult. This class introduces the method of mantra and how mantra can be a valuable tool to enter into the state of meditation.

Bijan Mantras (seed mantras in Sanskrit) are introduced with different techniques to apply in a meditation practice. We also review the use of Japa, the constant repetition of a mantra, and learn about the Mala Beads and how to use them.

Lastly, students will learn the Gyatri Mantra. This mantra is from the Vedas and carries significant power, wisdom, and Shakti (creative life force) that will bring a positive effect to the practitioner. The workshop ends with the group chanting the mantra together for 108 repetitions, the length of one mala. This is a wonderful, magical experience when done in a group!

This session is accessible for ALL BODY TYPES, we will mostly be sitting.  

Recommended Props:   Blankets or a chair, anything to help you sit with ease. We will mostly be sitting for this session.
Malas are not required, however if you have one, bring it. I am happy to introduce how to use a mala for pracrtice.  

avatar for Jeanne Heileman

Jeanne Heileman

Founder, Yoga Educator, Tantra Flow Yoga
Jeanne Heileman, MA, 500-ERYT, ParaYoga Level II Certified for 8 years, founder of Tantra Flow Yoga®, was introduced to yoga as a dancer and actress. Facing ongoing pain from scoliosis, yoga gives her valuable tools for physical realignment and acceptance of difficulties. In her... Read More →

Sunday June 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm PDT
Riverbend Park | WATER TENT
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