June 6-9, 2024
Yoga Journal’s #1 yoga festival you need to know about. Join us for four days of world-class yoga instruction, authentic connection and guided adventure in beautiful Bend, Oregon. You are welcome here.

As with all things in life, this schedule is subject to change. While it’s unlikely to happen, we invite you to practice aparigraha and santosha if it does.

All events are rain or shine; be prepared with layers for rapid temperature changes, with the exception of lightning, which if forecasted, may require cancellation of a paddle session.
Holistic Yoga Workshop [clear filter]
Thursday, June 6

8:30am PDT

Yoga for Longevity: It's All About the Pelvis

Breathe new life into your hips, pelvis, SI joints, and lower back. Through a delicious spectrum of hip-oriented poses that emphasize functional movement, leave feeling strong, open, and uplifted. Perfect if you crave a more therapeutic and fortifying practice.

avatar for Amy Ippoliti

Amy Ippoliti

Founder, Yoga Educator, Amy Ippoliti Yoga, Vessilify
Amy Ippoliti is known for bringing yoga to modern-day life in a genuine way through her intelligent sequencing, clear instruction, and engaging sense of humor. She shares her passion for yoga, health, soil advocacy, marine conservation, and regenerative practices through her teachings... Read More →
avatar for Settle Into Stillness

Settle Into Stillness

Nancy Grzeszak | Jeremy Arndt
Settle into Stillness unites the healing power of conscious relaxation with sacred sound. Settle Into Stillness was founded by Jeremy Arndt and Nancy Grzeszak, whose paths converged in 2011, igniting a shared passion for yoga and music that would ultimately blossom into a transformative... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 8:30am - 11:30am PDT
Oxford Hotel | Minnesota Ballroom
  Holistic Yoga Workshop
  • Experience Level None required.
  • Music Live Accompaniment

7:00pm PDT

Yoga Nidra Sound Journey

Yoga Nidra is the practice and art of Yogic Sleep. It is a profound but simple guided meditation accessible to anyone. The practice systematically guides the body, mind and breath into a complete state of relaxation. Quiet the mind and cultivate inner serenity as you rest in a supported savasana. Nancy’s voice will lead you through a guided relaxation where all the senses are drawn to gentle, conscious awareness, inviting the body to heal, creativity to flourish, and heart to expand. While in this safe, sacred space Jeremy and Nancy will create a soundscape of handpan, didgeridoo, crystal singing bowls, multiple gongs, chimes and more. Each experience is created and offered with love and intention for healing and relaxation. Receive deep rest while being immersed in the ethereal vibrations of a Yoga Nidra Sound Journey.

All are welcome, no prior experience with yoga or meditation necessary.

Settle Into Stillness will have a selection of props on hand to ensure your comfort, including blankets, eye pillows, and more. However, props will be limited, so please make sure to bring your yoga mat, blanket(s), and a pillow. Dress and bring layers to ensure your comfort on chilly mornings.

Arrive 15 minutes early to find a space and settle in. To ensure the integrity of the experience for all, latecomers will not be admitted. This session starts promptly at 7pm.

avatar for Settle Into Stillness

Settle Into Stillness

Nancy Grzeszak | Jeremy Arndt
Settle into Stillness unites the healing power of conscious relaxation with sacred sound. Settle Into Stillness was founded by Jeremy Arndt and Nancy Grzeszak, whose paths converged in 2011, igniting a shared passion for yoga and music that would ultimately blossom into a transformative... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm PDT
Oxford Hotel | Minnesota Ballroom
  Holistic Yoga Workshop, Sound
  • Experience Level All levels
  • PROPS REQUIRED Whatever you need to be cozy and comfortably relaxed
  • Pre-requisite: None
  • Production Notes Settle Into Stillness-provided sound system
Saturday, June 8

7:00am PDT

FULL - Sunrise Sound Journey - FULL

Nurture yourself and experience deep relaxation as Jeremy and Nancy create a unique and immersive soundscape to start your day off in bliss. The soothing resonance of the handpan, didgeridoo, multiple gongs, crystal singing bowls and more will induce complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation; cultivating a deep sense of calm and inner peace. Your physical body will rest in a comfortable and supported savasana as you are bathed by a sea of sound. Each experience is created and offered with love and intention for healing and relaxation.

Settle Into Stillness will have a selection of props on hand to ensure your comfort, including blankets, eye pillows, and more. However, props will be limited, so please make sure to bring your yoga mat, blanket(s), and a pillow. Dress and bring layers to ensure your comfort on chilly mornings.

Arrive 15 minutes early to find a space and settle in. To ensure the integrity of the experience for all, latecomers will not be admitted. This session starts promptly at 7am.

avatar for Settle Into Stillness

Settle Into Stillness

Nancy Grzeszak | Jeremy Arndt
Settle into Stillness unites the healing power of conscious relaxation with sacred sound. Settle Into Stillness was founded by Jeremy Arndt and Nancy Grzeszak, whose paths converged in 2011, igniting a shared passion for yoga and music that would ultimately blossom into a transformative... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 7:00am - 8:00am PDT
Riverbend Park | AIR TENT
  Holistic Yoga Workshop, Sound
  • PROPS REQUIRED Anything you need to be cozy and comfortable, eye pillow, light blankets.
  • Production Notes presenter-provided sound system

8:30am PDT

All Levels Partner & AcroYoga

This AcroYoga workshop will explore an equal balance of yin and yang, acrobatics and restorative partner yoga. Embody joy and playful curiosity as we explore group asana, partner supported inversions, basic acrobatics, partner flying and supported savasana. Get your feet off the ground with the support of a partner in a safe & fun environment while experiencing the exchange of trust and compassionate communication.

A little asana, followed by guided partner practices. 

avatar for Deven Sisler

Deven Sisler

Founder/Lead Teacher Kids Yoga Teacher Training, Deven Sisler Yoga
Deven is an internationally renowned yoga teacher known for her playful, philosophical approach to yoga, partner yoga and AcroYoga. She has been teaching children, families and adults since 2005 in NYC. She is the founder of her own Kids Yoga & Mindfulness teacher training, is a forerunner... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am PDT
Riverbend Park | WATER TENT
  Holistic Yoga Workshop
  • Experience Level All levels
  • Production Notes acoustic

8:30am PDT

FULL - The Radiance of Fire | Igniting Your Core - FULL

Our center, known as the “kunda” or oven in Sanskrit, holds our internal fire. It is also where food, thoughts, and experiences dwell before they are processed. We need a healthy internal fire so that we can assimilate the good and the difficult dwelling in the center. When we can use our inner fire to assimilate and release what we don’t need, we find freedom and joy.

This workshop will help you access, light, build and maintain your flame so that it shines through the spark in your eyes, the glow of your skin and expands your whole aura. We will practice in a unique way of doing yoga poses and movements that focus on strengthening and stretching the entire torso. You will leave feeling peacefully powerful and sitting taller than ever before!

In addition to strengthening the center of your torso, you will be introduced to Bandhas (energy locks) and Mudras, (energy seals) to light this inner fire. A Tantric Fire Meditation will follow to teach you how to control this force for your prosperity. You will leave feeling powerful, breathing deeper than ever, and sitting taller than before!

Recommended Props:  1 block, 1 strap, and a blanket.  (If you can have two blocks, all the better.)

15 min talk, the rest is practice with some demonstrating sprinkled throughout.  ALL LEVELS welcome, and, this session is not ideal for bodies who are currently pregnant or have herniated disc issues.

avatar for Jeanne Heileman

Jeanne Heileman

Founder, Yoga Educator, Tantra Flow Yoga
Jeanne Heileman, MA, 500-ERYT, ParaYoga Level II Certified for 8 years, founder of Tantra Flow Yoga®, was introduced to yoga as a dancer and actress. Facing ongoing pain from scoliosis, yoga gives her valuable tools for physical realignment and acceptance of difficulties. In her... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am PDT
Riverbend Park | EARTH TENT
  Holistic Yoga Workshop
  • Pre-requisite: None
  • Production Notes BYF's PA + headset mic

2:00pm PDT

Shoulders | The Wings of the Heart

Freedom and stability in the shoulders helps us express ourselves, connect with others, and do our work in the world. This practical workshop includes instruction and asana variations to stabilize what is weak and release what is bound, creating more freedom in the shoulders and a clear connection to the outer world.

 Lecture 15%; Guided Practice 75%; Discussion 10%

avatar for Angie Norwood

Angie Norwood

Founder, Owner, CONTINUUM, a School of Shadow Yoga
When I'm not teaching yoga, you can find me romping through the forest with my 80-pound puppy, sharing a good cup of coffee with a friend or creating something new in the kitchen. I'm truly honored to be part of the BYF faculty this year, and look forward to connecting at a yoga class... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm PDT
Riverbend Park | WATER TENT

4:00pm PDT

Free Your Breath, The Rest Will Follow

In this subtle yet powerful practice, dive into a sequence of poses designed specifically to open your breath. Experience the peace and euphoria that comes from bringing mobility to your primary and accessory respiratory muscles. Class will conclude with classic pranayama practice, said to be the gateway to meditation. Perfect whether you've been wanting to establish a pranayama practice or to hit the pause button, recharge, and renew.

This is a more gentle class.

avatar for Amy Ippoliti

Amy Ippoliti

Founder, Yoga Educator, Amy Ippoliti Yoga, Vessilify
Amy Ippoliti is known for bringing yoga to modern-day life in a genuine way through her intelligent sequencing, clear instruction, and engaging sense of humor. She shares her passion for yoga, health, soil advocacy, marine conservation, and regenerative practices through her teachings... Read More →
avatar for Settle Into Stillness

Settle Into Stillness

Nancy Grzeszak | Jeremy Arndt
Settle into Stillness unites the healing power of conscious relaxation with sacred sound. Settle Into Stillness was founded by Jeremy Arndt and Nancy Grzeszak, whose paths converged in 2011, igniting a shared passion for yoga and music that would ultimately blossom into a transformative... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm PDT
Riverbend Park | AIR TENT
  Holistic Yoga Workshop
  • Production Notes Settle Into Stillness-provided sound system & headset mic
Sunday, June 9

7:00am PDT

Sunrise Sound Journey

Nurture yourself and experience deep relaxation as Jeremy and Nancy create a unique and immersive soundscape to start your day in bliss. The soothing resonance of the handpan, didgeridoo, multiple gongs, crystal singing bowls and more will induce complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation; cultivating a deep sense of calm and inner peace. Your physical body will rest in a comfortable and supported savasana as you are bathed by a sea of sound. Each experience is created and offered with love and intention for healing and relaxation.
Settle Into Stillness will have a selection of props on hand to ensure your comfort, including blankets, eye pillows, and more. However, props will be limited, so please make sure to bring your yoga mat, blanket(s), and a pillow. Dress and bring layers to ensure your comfort on chilly mornings.

Arrive 15 minutes early to find a space and settle in. To ensure the integrity of the experience for all, latecomers will not be admitted. This session starts promptly at 7am.

avatar for Settle Into Stillness

Settle Into Stillness

Nancy Grzeszak | Jeremy Arndt
Settle into Stillness unites the healing power of conscious relaxation with sacred sound. Settle Into Stillness was founded by Jeremy Arndt and Nancy Grzeszak, whose paths converged in 2011, igniting a shared passion for yoga and music that would ultimately blossom into a transformative... Read More →

Sunday June 9, 2024 7:00am - 8:00am PDT
Riverbend Park | AIR TENT
  Holistic Yoga Workshop, Sound
  • PROPS REQUIRED Anything you need to be cozy and comfortable, eye pillow, light blankets.
  • Production Notes presenter-provided sound system

8:15am PDT

Tantra and the Chakras | A Mini-Immersion with Jeanne Heileman


This session is 2-hours long, but will not affect your enrollment in later sessions.

This workshop opens with a brief explanation on the Chakras, their qualities and effects. The
concept of Kundalini and how it works is also explained. A vinyasa flow practice follows that introduces
poses directly connected with each Chakra. Students will be guided through visualization, mantra,
and breathing techniques to access and free energy around each Chakra region.  

The workshop ends with a Tantric meditation that aligns the inner channels for energetic
freedom. Students will leave with more awareness and space in these energy centers with tools to
continue parts of the practice on their own.

Recommended Props:  2 blocks, 1 strap, 1-2 blankets. 

Students should have a minimum of one-year steady asana practice due to the inner body focus
of this session. Jeanne will not be focusing on how to do a posture so that we can attend to what is happening within the pose.

avatar for Jeanne Heileman

Jeanne Heileman

Founder, Yoga Educator, Tantra Flow Yoga
Jeanne Heileman, MA, 500-ERYT, ParaYoga Level II Certified for 8 years, founder of Tantra Flow Yoga®, was introduced to yoga as a dancer and actress. Facing ongoing pain from scoliosis, yoga gives her valuable tools for physical realignment and acceptance of difficulties. In her... Read More →

Sunday June 9, 2024 8:15am - 10:15am PDT
Riverbend Park | EARTH TENT
  Holistic Yoga Workshop
  • Experience Level All levels
  • Pre-requisite: None
  • Production Notes BYF-provided PA + headset mic

10:30am PDT

FULL - Partner Yoga & Thai - FULL

Partner Yoga & Thai | Unwind from the full festival weekend by giving and receiving supportive, relaxing touch. Enjoy deep stretching and a long savasana with hands on assists. 

This will be a partner movement class incorporating touch.

If you bring a partner, your partner choice will be honored. 

avatar for Deven Sisler

Deven Sisler

Founder/Lead Teacher Kids Yoga Teacher Training, Deven Sisler Yoga
Deven is an internationally renowned yoga teacher known for her playful, philosophical approach to yoga, partner yoga and AcroYoga. She has been teaching children, families and adults since 2005 in NYC. She is the founder of her own Kids Yoga & Mindfulness teacher training, is a forerunner... Read More →

Sunday June 9, 2024 10:30am - 12:00pm PDT
Riverbend Park | WATER TENT
  Holistic Yoga Workshop
  • Experience Level All levels

10:30am PDT

Polyvagal Theory Meets Yoga Philosophy

In Polyvagal Theory meets Yoga Philosophy, you'll explore the intersection of modern neuroscience and ancient philosophy. You'll learn the basics of Polyvagal Theory and what it contributes to yoga practice and teaching. Then we'll get creative with how it correlates to Rasa Theory and Aligned Motives for practice. Come curious! This session will give you new dimensions for practice on and off the mat.

Expect a presentation, journaling, and Q&A.

80% presentation, 20% journaling 

This session is good for: students who want to learn yoga philosophy, students who want to develop a home practice, students who want to learn about their nervous system, people in the helping and healing professions, yoga teachers.

avatar for Alison Smith Starr

Alison Smith Starr

Founder, Yoga Teacher, Kanda School
Alison is known for her playful fire, inquisitive nature, and technical expertise. Her background is in Anusara and Astanga Yoga. Her dedicated movement practice is complimented by deep studies in yoga philosophy, neuroscience, and anatomy. With over 16 years of teaching experience... Read More →

Sunday June 9, 2024 10:30am - 12:00pm PDT
Riverbend Park | EARTH TENT
  Holistic Yoga Workshop, Nervous System Regulation
  • Production Notes BYF's PA & headset mic

2:00pm PDT

The Blissful Unwind

In this serene and grounding session, you can fully indulge in the art of unwinding. We will slow down and gently move through postures to help you reconnect with your body so you can feel complete. Join us on this harmonious journey as we move, breathe, and leave feeling totally blissed out for the journey home.

A wonderful way to integrate your festival experience!

100% Guided Practice

avatar for Rebecca Rasmussen

Rebecca Rasmussen

Senior Teacher/Trainer, Inside Flow
Rebecca spent her life studying the body through the world of dance. She graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Boston Conservatory and toured internationally for over a decade with the world-renowned dance company MOMIX. Rebecca is an Inside Flow Senior Teacher, Chromatic... Read More →

Sunday June 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm PDT
Riverbend Park | AIR TENT
  Holistic Yoga Workshop
  • Production Notes Settle Into Stillness-provided sound system & headset mic
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