June 6-9, 2024
Yoga Journal’s #1 yoga festival you need to know about. Join us for four days of world-class yoga instruction, authentic connection and guided adventure in beautiful Bend, Oregon. You are welcome here.

As with all things in life, this schedule is subject to change. While it’s unlikely to happen, we invite you to practice aparigraha and santosha if it does.

All events are rain or shine; be prepared with layers for rapid temperature changes, with the exception of lightning, which if forecasted, may require cancellation of a paddle session.
Forest Bathing [clear filter]
Saturday, June 8

12:30pm PDT

FULL - Forest Bathing on the Deschutes River Trail - FULL

This practice is based on the Japanese practice of Shinrin Yoku, meaninng "Forest Bath". Forest bathing is a practice that started in Japan where participants immerse themselves in the forest atmosphere. There is no water involved as the bathing refers to immersing oneself in Phytoncides, a group of chemicals which plants use to communicate. These chemicals have been shown to have a positive impact on our human bodies and mind by increasing immune response, reducing anxiety, depression, and fatigue just to name a few. During this walk you will be guided into presence through sensory based practices which will ease tension, rest your mind and body, and nourish your heart and soul. The goal of forest bathing is simple: fully experience the present moment while immersing your senses in the sights, sounds, and feels of nature. This is a walk with nature as opposed to a walk in nature.This experience is guided by Missie Wikler, a Certified Forest Therapy Guide with the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy, ANFT.

We will walk a total of 1.5 - 2.5 miles during the 2 hour session at a slow pace. The trail is mostly flat with some rocks and uneven terrain.

Bring: Sturdy shoes, water, snack, suncreen, and something to sit on such as a yoga mat; wear clothes that you do not mind getting dirty. 

We will meet in Riverbend Park where we will share introductions and chat about what we will experience today. We will walk onto the trail for a forest immersion meditation where we will ground down and connect with our Earth. I will offer a series of invitations, each to guide you in deepening your connection with our forest home through sensory practices. We will end with a Forest Tea Ceremony followed by a wander back to Riverbend Park.

I look forward to guiding you!

avatar for Missie Wikler

Missie Wikler

R'OMing Yoga

Saturday June 8, 2024 12:30pm - 2:30pm PDT
Riverbend Park
  Forest Bathing
  • Experience Level All levels
  • Music None
  • Pre-requisite: Fitness to walk 3 miles

1:00pm PDT

FULL - Forest Bathing on the Deschutes River Trail - FULL

THIS SESSION ENDS AT 3pm. Notice how that will impact your session choices for the rest of the day.

Forest bathing is inspired by the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku, which translates to “forest bath” and just means to take in the atmosphere of the forest through our senses. It is a practice of spending time in forested areas for the purpose of enhancing health, wellness, and happiness and remembering our connection to nature and each other. A forest bathing session starts off with a guided meditation deepening into each of the senses, and then you’ll be led through a series of invitations that offer the opportunity for deeper relaxation and connection with ourselves and the living world. We will come together for optional sharing and close the experience with wildcrafted tea.

The Deschutes River Trail is rated "easy" with some rocky points, no scrambling, and minimal elevation gain. Please wear appropriate footwear; hiking boots/shoes highly recommended.

BRING: water, a snack if you get hungry, something to sit on (mat, towel, etc.), journal and pen if desired, eyeshade, sunscreen, a pack to hold your stuff.

avatar for Mindy Lockhart

Mindy Lockhart

Rooted Presence
Mindy (they/them) is a certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide and EcoNIDRA facilitator whose mission is to help us remember that our natural state is ease and rest, and that the truth of who we are and how to live is uncovered when we are well rested and connected to the earth... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 1:00pm - 3:00pm PDT
Riverbend Park
Sunday, June 9

2:00pm PDT

FULL - Forest Bathing on the Deschutes River Trail - FULL

Forest bathing is inspired by the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku, which translates to “forest bath” and just means to take in the atmosphere of the forest through our senses. It is a practice of spending time in forested areas for the purpose of enhancing health, wellness, and happiness and remembering our connection to nature and each other. A forest bathing session starts off with a guided meditation deepening into each of the senses, and then you’ll be led through a series of invitations that offer the opportunity for deeper relaxation and connection with ourselves and the living world. We will come together for optional sharing and close the experience with wildcrafted tea.

The Deschutes River Trail is rated "easy" with some rocky points, no scrambling, and minimal elevation gain. Please wear appropriate footwear; hiking boots/shoes highly recommended.

BRING: water, a snack if you get hungry, something to sit on (mat, towel, etc.), journal and pen if desired, eyeshade, sunscreen, a pack to hold your stuff.

avatar for Mindy Lockhart

Mindy Lockhart

Rooted Presence
Mindy (they/them) is a certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide and EcoNIDRA facilitator whose mission is to help us remember that our natural state is ease and rest, and that the truth of who we are and how to live is uncovered when we are well rested and connected to the earth... Read More →

Sunday June 9, 2024 2:00pm - 4:00pm PDT
Riverbend Park

2:15pm PDT

FULL - Forest Bathing on the Deschutes River Trail - FULL

This practice is based on the Japanese practice of Shinrin Yoku, meaninng "Forest Bath". Forest bathing is a practice that started in Japan where participants immerse themselves in the forest atmosphere. There is no water involved as the bathing refers to immersing oneself in Phytoncides, a group of chemicals which plants use to communicate. These chemicals have been shown to have a positive impact on our human bodies and mind by increasing immune response, reducing anxiety, depression, and fatigue just to name a few. During this walk you will be guided into presence through sensory based practices which will ease tension, rest your mind and body, and nourish your heart and soul. The goal of forest bathing is simple: fully experience the present moment while immersing your senses in the sights, sounds, and feels of nature. This is a walk with nature as opposed to a walk in nature.This experience is guided by Missie Wikler, a Certified Forest Therapy Guide with the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy, ANFT.

We will walk a total of 1.5 - 2.5 miles during the 2 hour session at a slow pace. The trail is mostly flat with some rocks and uneven terrain.

Bring: Sturdy shoes, water, snack, suncreen, and something to sit on such as a yoga mat; wear clothes that you do not mind getting dirty. 

We will meet in Riverbend Park where we will share introductions and chat about what we will experience today. We will walk onto the trail for a forest immersion meditation where we will ground down and connect with our Earth. I will offer a series of invitations, each to guide you in deepening your connection with our forest home through sensory practices. We will end with a Forest Tea Ceremony followed by a wander back to Riverbend Park.

I look forward to guiding you!

avatar for Missie Wikler

Missie Wikler

R'OMing Yoga

Sunday June 9, 2024 2:15pm - 4:15pm PDT
Riverbend Park
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