Attending this event?
June 6-9, 2024
Yoga Journal’s #1 yoga festival you need to know about. Join us for four days of world-class yoga instruction, authentic connection and guided adventure in beautiful Bend, Oregon. You are welcome here.

As with all things in life, this schedule is subject to change. While it’s unlikely to happen, we invite you to practice aparigraha and santosha if it does.

All events are rain or shine; be prepared with layers for rapid temperature changes, with the exception of lightning, which if forecasted, may require cancellation of a paddle session.
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Saturday, June 8

7:00am PDT

FULL - Sunrise Sound Journey - FULL

Nurture yourself and experience deep relaxation as Jeremy and Nancy create a unique and immersive soundscape to start your day off in bliss. The soothing resonance of the handpan, didgeridoo, multiple gongs, crystal singing bowls and more will induce complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation; cultivating a deep sense of calm and inner peace. Your physical body will rest in a comfortable and supported savasana as you are bathed by a sea of sound. Each experience is created and offered with love and intention for healing and relaxation.

Settle Into Stillness will have a selection of props on hand to ensure your comfort, including blankets, eye pillows, and more. However, props will be limited, so please make sure to bring your yoga mat, blanket(s), and a pillow. Dress and bring layers to ensure your comfort on chilly mornings.

Arrive 15 minutes early to find a space and settle in. To ensure the integrity of the experience for all, latecomers will not be admitted. This session starts promptly at 7am.

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Settle Into Stillness

Nancy Grzeszak | Jeremy Arndt
Settle into Stillness unites the healing power of conscious relaxation with sacred sound. Settle Into Stillness was founded by Jeremy Arndt and Nancy Grzeszak, whose paths converged in 2011, igniting a shared passion for yoga and music that would ultimately blossom into a transformative... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 7:00am - 8:00am PDT
Riverbend Park | AIR TENT
  Holistic Yoga Workshop, Sound
  • PROPS REQUIRED Anything you need to be cozy and comfortable, eye pillow, light blankets.
  • Production Notes presenter-provided sound system

8:30am PDT

Reversing Sympathetic Nervous System Dominance

There is a new syndrome sweeping our country, driving people towards yoga and holistic healing. It is extreme sympathetic nervous system dominance, which  creates the feeling of being “wired and tired”. This overstimulation robs people of sleep, calm, and focus. It also fuels the flames of inflammation.

There is an antidote to this problem. Its roots lie in restoring vagal tone. The vagus nerve, the Xth cranial, is the powerhouse of the “rest and digest” system. In this workshop, we'll dive into ways to stimulate the vagus nerve and put its beneficial regulation to work.

avatar for Emily Wolbers, ND

Emily Wolbers, ND

QC Natural Health
Emily Wolbers is inspired by all things Health. She is a Naturopathic Doctor and has a Digestion & Nutrition-focused practice in Portland, Oregon. She has been teaching yoga since 2013. She completed her initial training at the White Lotus Foundation and continued on to take Advanced... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am PDT
Riverbend Park | AIR TENT
  Applied Yoga Therapeutics, Nervous System Regulation
  • Experience Level All levels
  • Music None
  • Pre-requisite: None
  • Production Notes Settle Into Stillness-provided sound system

8:30am PDT

All Levels Partner & AcroYoga

This AcroYoga workshop will explore an equal balance of yin and yang, acrobatics and restorative partner yoga. Embody joy and playful curiosity as we explore group asana, partner supported inversions, basic acrobatics, partner flying and supported savasana. Get your feet off the ground with the support of a partner in a safe & fun environment while experiencing the exchange of trust and compassionate communication.

A little asana, followed by guided partner practices. 

avatar for Deven Sisler

Deven Sisler

Founder/Lead Teacher Kids Yoga Teacher Training, Deven Sisler Yoga
Deven is an internationally renowned yoga teacher known for her playful, philosophical approach to yoga, partner yoga and AcroYoga. She has been teaching children, families and adults since 2005 in NYC. She is the founder of her own Kids Yoga & Mindfulness teacher training, is a forerunner... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am PDT
Riverbend Park | WATER TENT
  Holistic Yoga Workshop
  • Experience Level All levels
  • Production Notes acoustic

8:30am PDT

FULL - The Radiance of Fire | Igniting Your Core - FULL

Our center, known as the “kunda” or oven in Sanskrit, holds our internal fire. It is also where food, thoughts, and experiences dwell before they are processed. We need a healthy internal fire so that we can assimilate the good and the difficult dwelling in the center. When we can use our inner fire to assimilate and release what we don’t need, we find freedom and joy.

This workshop will help you access, light, build and maintain your flame so that it shines through the spark in your eyes, the glow of your skin and expands your whole aura. We will practice in a unique way of doing yoga poses and movements that focus on strengthening and stretching the entire torso. You will leave feeling peacefully powerful and sitting taller than ever before!

In addition to strengthening the center of your torso, you will be introduced to Bandhas (energy locks) and Mudras, (energy seals) to light this inner fire. A Tantric Fire Meditation will follow to teach you how to control this force for your prosperity. You will leave feeling powerful, breathing deeper than ever, and sitting taller than before!

Recommended Props:  1 block, 1 strap, and a blanket.  (If you can have two blocks, all the better.)

15 min talk, the rest is practice with some demonstrating sprinkled throughout.  ALL LEVELS welcome, and, this session is not ideal for bodies who are currently pregnant or have herniated disc issues.

avatar for Jeanne Heileman

Jeanne Heileman

Founder, Yoga Educator, Tantra Flow Yoga
Jeanne Heileman, MA, 500-ERYT, ParaYoga Level II Certified for 8 years, founder of Tantra Flow Yoga®, was introduced to yoga as a dancer and actress. Facing ongoing pain from scoliosis, yoga gives her valuable tools for physical realignment and acceptance of difficulties. In her... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am PDT
Riverbend Park | EARTH TENT
  Holistic Yoga Workshop
  • Pre-requisite: None
  • Production Notes BYF's PA + headset mic

8:30am PDT

Breathful Grounding: A Mindful Flow for All | A Sound Off™ Headphone Experience

Welcome to 'Breathful Grounding: A Mindful Flow for All.' I'm Vince , and I'm stoked to guide you on a journey where each breath intertwines with movement, in my second year at Bend Yoga Festival. Imagine a space where your breath is your most compassionate teacher, and every movement is a step towards deeper grounding. In this class, we'll explore the dance of breath and body, each flow seamlessly leading to the next, just like the gentle ebb and flow of life's rhythms. As we move together, you'll discover a practice that's more than just poses; it's a celebration of the present moment, a cultivation of inner stillness amidst the outer motion. Whether you're new to yoga or have been on this path for years, our community welcomes you with open arms. Join me at the Bend Yoga Festival, where we'll not only stretch our bodies but also our hearts, building connections that extend beyond the mat. Let's breathe, flow, and grow together, creating moments of mindfulness that resonate with your soul. Remember, this journey is yours - and it starts with a single breath. Let's take that first breath together.

avatar for Vince Brown

Vince Brown

Founder/Owner, Phoenix Rising
Hey there! I'm Vince, a multi-faceted adventurer who thrives on staying active and diving deep into the world of yoga. My specialties include Aerial Yoga, BUTI Yoga, and the traditional Yoga Yoga—all avenues that have not only amped up my adventure game but have also rooted me more... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am PDT
Riverbend Park | FIRE TENT
  Vinyasa-based practice
  • Experience Level All levels
  • Pre-requisite: None
  • Production Notes Sound Off Headphone system & mic

10:15am PDT

Mindfulness Minutes | sponsored by Deven Sisler Kids & Family Yoga

Kids' yoga camp runs concurrent with festival sessions in the 10:30-12:00pm time slot. Sign-up you precious littles now! Separate ticket is required $30. Buy here (click the hyperlink TICKETS that appears in a row next to your profile picture, above), or on the BYF website here.

Kids will practice yoga, play mindful games, take an adventure to a nearby playground, craft, snack and story time while parents take a different session. 

Please wear comfortable clothes for movement, bring a sun hat/sun block, snack, closed water bottle and be willing to try new things, laugh and play. 

Message Deven@DevenSislerYoga.com with any questions or concerns.  

avatar for Deven Sisler

Deven Sisler

Founder/Lead Teacher Kids Yoga Teacher Training, Deven Sisler Yoga
Deven is an internationally renowned yoga teacher known for her playful, philosophical approach to yoga, partner yoga and AcroYoga. She has been teaching children, families and adults since 2005 in NYC. She is the founder of her own Kids Yoga & Mindfulness teacher training, is a forerunner... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 10:15am - 12:15pm PDT
Kids Zone Tent

10:30am PDT

FULL - Decoding Strength & Resilience - FULL

Thanks to the media, we’re all pretty familiar with the importance of strength training nowadays. From the effects of myokines on cognition, blood sugar, bones, & tumors to the importance of maintaining muscle mass over our lifespan, strength training is essential to our health. It’s easy enough to lift weights and increase our strength capacity at the gym but there is so much more to strength, like our functional capacity, movement efficiency, endurance, and the strength of our collagen matrix for injury resilience. After all, our muscles are only as strong as the connective tissue matrix that holds them together and allows them to transmit force. This class will investigate research-based practices that you can bring onto your mat to train the capacity of both the muscle and connective tissue to help enhance performance and minimize injuries.

Tiffany has worked with professional athletes across the US and helped create the Nike Wellness Center programs (at Nike WHQ) and so brings a wealth of both cutting edge knowledge and depth of experience from her specialty in sports medicine over the past 28 years of her career. Whether you’re dealing with the last remnants of an injury, trying to enhance performance & strength, or looking to help minimize injuries & feel your best this class will explore ways to train the tissues toward strength & resilience over time to cultivate youthfulness through our lifespan.

This class takes a modern lens to our traditional asanas with plenty of information to help you bring the concepts home with you.

PRE-REQUISITE: some vinyasa experience, all levels are welcome.

BRING: Anything you need to sit comfortably, a meditation cushion, block, folded beach towel, low-back folding chair, etc.

avatar for Tiffany Cruikshank

Tiffany Cruikshank

Founder, CEO, Yoga Medicine®
Tiffany Cruikshank, L.Ac, MAOM, is the founder of Yoga Medicine®, a community of yoga teachers focused on fusing science & research with traditional yoga practices to serve the medical communities with a mission to help people thrive and live their best lives. Tiffany is also an acupuncturist with 20 years of practice under her belt and a specialty... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 10:30am - 12:00pm PDT
Riverbend Park | AIR TENT
  Applied Yoga Therapeutics
  • Pre-requisite: Some vinyasa experience
  • Production Notes Settle Into Stillness-provided sound system & mic + presenter-provided projector & power cord + BYF-provided usb-c to HDMI

10:30am PDT

The Bhakti Toolbox | Gifts of the Gita

The Bhagavad Gita, which means “Song of the Divine,” is arguably the most important yogic text to ever emerge from India. The 18 short chapters consist of a conversation between the renowned warrior Arjuna and his charioteer, Lord Krishna, at the dawn of a great battle between good and evil. It’s often said that the battle of the Gita is also taking place in our own consciousness, and each of our decisions, large or small, can lead us either to liberation or to bondage. In their dialogue, Krishna offers Arjuna answers to life’s most challenging questions, making the Bhagavad Gita a handbook for living a life of purpose and freedom.     It doesn’t matter if you’re new to the Gita, or if you’ve read it a hundred times, this workshop is for everyone! Join us on for a journey through these timeless teachings in "Gifts of the Gita."

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Rob and Melissa

Rob and Melissa Yoga and Kirtan
Rob and Melissa are Bhakti yogis, teachers and kirtan singers devoted to celebrating the divine through the practice of kirtan (call and response chanting).When Rob and Melissa first met, neither of them sang kirtan or practiced Bhakti yoga (the yoga of devotion). By the time they... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 10:30am - 12:00pm PDT
Riverbend Park | EARTH TENT
  • Production Notes presenter-provided sound system

10:30am PDT

Ahiṃsā in the Real World

Ahiṃsā, अहिंसा, or non-harming, is a fundamental tenet of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. It sounds great on paper, but how do we bring this principle into our lives, onto the yoga mat, and into relationships in the broader world? Together, we'll dig into these questions through discussion, dynamic yoga practice, meditation and reflection.

Lecture 15%; Asana practice 65%; Meditation/Reflection 10%; Q & A 10%

BRING: Notebook and pen

avatar for Angie Norwood

Angie Norwood

Founder, Owner, CONTINUUM, a School of Shadow Yoga
When I'm not teaching yoga, you can find me romping through the forest with my 80-pound puppy, sharing a good cup of coffee with a friend or creating something new in the kitchen. I'm truly honored to be part of the BYF faculty this year, and look forward to connecting at a yoga class... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 10:30am - 12:00pm PDT
Riverbend Park | WATER TENT
  Yogā Philosophy
  • Production Notes acoustic

10:30am PDT

Ashtanga: Start Your Practice Workshop | A Mini-Immersion with Brendan Smullen

In this workshop-format class, practitioners will be given a beginners perspective on Ashtanga including traditional pranayama and fundamental postures. A great overview for new students to the practice or teachers that are curious about the style and want a framework for their students.

5 minutes - What is Ashtanga? What can this practice offer?
10 minutes - Ujjayi and applications within the Asana practice,
90 minutes - breakdown of fundamental asana
10 minutes- closing postures, 5 minutes

This session is two hours long and energy intensive. Plan your sessions for the day to ensure your energy is appropriately honored.

This session is best for those with a regular vinyasa practice who are curious about ashtanga, but all are welcome.

avatar for Brendan Smullen

Brendan Smullen

Founder, Yoga Educator, Yoga Shala Seattle
Hi, I'm Brendan and I really value a disciplined and connected practice. I use the Ashtanga Vinyasa Method and it's progressive forms to challenge non-physical barriers and refine postures in a bespoke environment (mysore-style Ashtanga). I practice regularly and support my students... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 10:30am - 12:30pm PDT
Riverbend Park | FIRE TENT
  Vinyasa-based practice
  • Experience Level All levels
  • Music None
  • PROPS REQUIRED Strap and blocks
  • Pre-requisite: Some vinyasa experience
  • Production Notes BYF's PA + headset mic

12:00pm PDT

Conscious Living Marketplace & Family-Friendly Festival Activities | OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 12-2PM
Stroll the amazing curated exhibitors of the Conscious Living Marketplace, take in an advanced acro demo, float the river, and enjoy many more activities for the whole family!

All of this is for you to enjoy at our festival grounds at Riverbend Park from 12-2pm Saturday & Sunday:
  • Enjoy lunch from one of our food vendors, Joyfull Vegan Food Truck and Angry Salsa, or pack your own!
  • Check out all the incredible artists, artisans and small businesses in our Marketplace! Enjoy reiki, massage, an intuitive reading, sample products, browse arts and ceramics and so much more!
  • Float the Deschutes River (plan your float -- don't forget to plan the trip back!)
  • Family Yoga -- open to the public but ticket required (included for fest passholders). Nonpassholders can buy a ticket here.
  • Walk the river trail, on your own, or with new fest friends! An easy 3-mile loop that starts from the park and brings you back to it -- your own little forest bathing experience. Go east for the Map of DRT - Old Mill Reach (great for strollers). Or go west for the DRT South Canyon.
  • Sign up for one of Paddle Board Oregon's Paddle Strong sessions (add-on ticket required), staged right there at the park.
  • Everyone is invited to enjoy a short AcroYoga demo! But if you want to try out the joy of flight with experts Ian LeMasters and Deven Sisler, then sign up for their AcroYoga Playground on the schedule.
  • Check out an aerial yoga demo and give it a try yourself at Rising Tide Wellness' sponsor booth!
  • Groovy music......and more! 

Saturday June 8, 2024 12:00pm - 2:00pm PDT
Riverbend Park
  • Experience Level All levels

12:30pm PDT

AcroYoga Playground

Come try out Acroyoga with Ian LeMasters and Deven Sisler! This one hour class is open in an Acro "Jam" style. There will be experienced acroyogis to help you try out and demo acroyoga postures in a tutorial format as well as opportunites to see what more advanced acroyoga looks like. All levels welcome, we look forward to playing with you!

avatar for Ian LeMasters

Ian LeMasters

Ian LeMasters Yoga
Ian LeMasters is a yoga and acroyoga teacher based out of Portland, Oregon. A 500hr E-RYT and continued education provider, Ian has been teaching for the past decade offering class styles of vinyasa, ashtanga-vinyasa, acroyoga and handstand training classes. In addition to teaching... Read More →
avatar for Deven Sisler

Deven Sisler

Founder/Lead Teacher Kids Yoga Teacher Training, Deven Sisler Yoga
Deven is an internationally renowned yoga teacher known for her playful, philosophical approach to yoga, partner yoga and AcroYoga. She has been teaching children, families and adults since 2005 in NYC. She is the founder of her own Kids Yoga & Mindfulness teacher training, is a forerunner... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm PDT
Riverbend Park | FIRE TENT
  • Experience Level Advanced
  • Pre-requisite: Must have prior training in acroyoga
  • Production Notes BYF's PA + SHURE headset mic

12:30pm PDT

FULL - Forest Bathing on the Deschutes River Trail - FULL

This practice is based on the Japanese practice of Shinrin Yoku, meaninng "Forest Bath". Forest bathing is a practice that started in Japan where participants immerse themselves in the forest atmosphere. There is no water involved as the bathing refers to immersing oneself in Phytoncides, a group of chemicals which plants use to communicate. These chemicals have been shown to have a positive impact on our human bodies and mind by increasing immune response, reducing anxiety, depression, and fatigue just to name a few. During this walk you will be guided into presence through sensory based practices which will ease tension, rest your mind and body, and nourish your heart and soul. The goal of forest bathing is simple: fully experience the present moment while immersing your senses in the sights, sounds, and feels of nature. This is a walk with nature as opposed to a walk in nature.This experience is guided by Missie Wikler, a Certified Forest Therapy Guide with the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy, ANFT.

We will walk a total of 1.5 - 2.5 miles during the 2 hour session at a slow pace. The trail is mostly flat with some rocks and uneven terrain.

Bring: Sturdy shoes, water, snack, suncreen, and something to sit on such as a yoga mat; wear clothes that you do not mind getting dirty. 

We will meet in Riverbend Park where we will share introductions and chat about what we will experience today. We will walk onto the trail for a forest immersion meditation where we will ground down and connect with our Earth. I will offer a series of invitations, each to guide you in deepening your connection with our forest home through sensory practices. We will end with a Forest Tea Ceremony followed by a wander back to Riverbend Park.

I look forward to guiding you!

avatar for Missie Wikler

Missie Wikler

R'OMing Yoga

Saturday June 8, 2024 12:30pm - 2:30pm PDT
Riverbend Park
  Forest Bathing
  • Experience Level All levels
  • Music None
  • Pre-requisite: Fitness to walk 3 miles

1:00pm PDT

FULL - Forest Bathing on the Deschutes River Trail - FULL

THIS SESSION ENDS AT 3pm. Notice how that will impact your session choices for the rest of the day.

Forest bathing is inspired by the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku, which translates to “forest bath” and just means to take in the atmosphere of the forest through our senses. It is a practice of spending time in forested areas for the purpose of enhancing health, wellness, and happiness and remembering our connection to nature and each other. A forest bathing session starts off with a guided meditation deepening into each of the senses, and then you’ll be led through a series of invitations that offer the opportunity for deeper relaxation and connection with ourselves and the living world. We will come together for optional sharing and close the experience with wildcrafted tea.

The Deschutes River Trail is rated "easy" with some rocky points, no scrambling, and minimal elevation gain. Please wear appropriate footwear; hiking boots/shoes highly recommended.

BRING: water, a snack if you get hungry, something to sit on (mat, towel, etc.), journal and pen if desired, eyeshade, sunscreen, a pack to hold your stuff.

avatar for Mindy Lockhart

Mindy Lockhart

Rooted Presence
Mindy (they/them) is a certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide and EcoNIDRA facilitator whose mission is to help us remember that our natural state is ease and rest, and that the truth of who we are and how to live is uncovered when we are well rested and connected to the earth... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 1:00pm - 3:00pm PDT
Riverbend Park

1:00pm PDT

Yoga, Hike and Brew | Smith Rock State Park (+$)



THIS SESSION GOES UNTIL 4:30pm at Smith Rock, in Terrebonne, Oregon.

Smith Rock is a 40-45 minute drive from Bend, Oregon. Transportation is not provided.

Join local guides Khyra and Cody for a guided yoga, hike and brew tour! Our experience will begin with a grounding outdoor yoga class with views of Smith Rock. We will set off on our three and a half mile guided hike with beautiful river views, stopping along the way to learn about the history and culture of Central Oregon and Bend. The geological and rock climbing history of Smith Rock State Park will be highlighted on the tour. We will return to our starting point and end the hike by enjoying a cold and refreshing local beer. Join us for an unforgettable guided tour and insider's experience of Bend culture!

Important to note:

- We will meet at Smith Rock State Park, approximately 45 minutes from Bend. Transportation is not provided by the presenter.
- Add-on ticket required; $49. Price includes yoga session, half-day guided hike and local craft beer. Extra mats and props are available for use, but must be requested in advance. Add-on ticket link on the Bend Yoga Festival website under “get your pass.”
- You do not need to carry your mat on the hike.
- Spots are limited to 15 participants.
- Fitness level moderate to advanced. (The yoga class is an accessible all-levels class.) The hike includes 1000 feet of elevation gain over 3.5 miles. Please check with your medical professional for clearance. If you have any questions on the difficulty level or training for the hike please reach out.
- Details with important event information (exact meeting location, what to bring, reminders) will be sent out to attendees prior to the session.

Please remember to bring the following for a comfortable outdoor yoga and hiking experience:

- Travel yoga mat -- yoga practice will get your mat dirty, so bring an appropriate mat!
- Oregon State Park parking pass (day use pass available to purchase at park kiosk for $5)
- Hiking shoes
- Comfortable exercise clothes
- Layers of clothes
- Rain jacket (weather dependent)
- Small backpack or day pack
- Water, snacks
- Sunglasses, sunscreen, hat
- Camera

avatar for Khyra Wilhelm and Cody Cutz

Khyra Wilhelm and Cody Cutz

Founders, Movement Instructors, Guides, Wildland Guiding Company
Wildland Guiding Company facilitates experiences of connection to oneself, the community and the environment. Khyra is an experienced, dedicated yoga instructor with certifications in vinyasa, restorative and trauma-informed yoga. Her goal as a yoga instructor is to assist students... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 1:00pm - 4:30pm PDT
Smith Rock State Park
  Add-on Adventures, Hiking
  • Music None
  • Pre-requisite: Moderate to Advanced cardiovascular fitness for hike

2:00pm PDT

Family Yoga + Book Signing with Deven Sisler

Stretch, strengthen, relax in support of your family. This workshop will include a full-body warm up, partner yoga accessible for all ages and the sweetest partner savasana.

Please wear comfortable clothes for movement, sun hat, closed water bottle and be willing to try new things, laugh and play.

Sign up once per family. Receive a signed copy of "The Yamas in Pajamas" with your registration. 

This is a COMMUNITY CLASS -- included in the cost of your festival pass, but also open to the public with a separate ticket.

Non-passholders: purchase the add-on ticket here (click the link TICKETS), or on the BYF website).

avatar for Deven Sisler

Deven Sisler

Founder/Lead Teacher Kids Yoga Teacher Training, Deven Sisler Yoga
Deven is an internationally renowned yoga teacher known for her playful, philosophical approach to yoga, partner yoga and AcroYoga. She has been teaching children, families and adults since 2005 in NYC. She is the founder of her own Kids Yoga & Mindfulness teacher training, is a forerunner... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm PDT
Kids Zone Tent

2:00pm PDT

FULL - Myofascial Release as a Resilience Tool - FULL

Myofascial release has been a life-changing tool for both myself and the tens of thousands of patients, teachers, & students that I’ve worked with. It can be used for both tissue resilience, pain regulation, recovery, and nervous system regulation to name a few. This workshop will look at the what, why, & how behind these techniques then dive into protocols for the legs, hips, back, & shoulders. A great way to get a scan of what’s going on in the major areas of your body as well as a potent tool to quickly shift your experience in your body. You’ll leave with a basic understanding of how to apply this work on your own and some areas to focus in on in your own body. No yoga experience needed, come for some juicy self-bodywork.

Props: 1-2 MFR Balls Will Be Provided Per Person

avatar for Tiffany Cruikshank

Tiffany Cruikshank

Founder, CEO, Yoga Medicine®
Tiffany Cruikshank, L.Ac, MAOM, is the founder of Yoga Medicine®, a community of yoga teachers focused on fusing science & research with traditional yoga practices to serve the medical communities with a mission to help people thrive and live their best lives. Tiffany is also an acupuncturist with 20 years of practice under her belt and a specialty... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm PDT
Riverbend Park | AIR TENT
  Applied Yoga Therapeutics, Nervous System Regulation
  • Production Notes Settle Into Stillness-provided speakers & mic + presenter-provided projector & powercord + BYF-provided usb-c to HDMI

2:00pm PDT

Shoulders | The Wings of the Heart

Freedom and stability in the shoulders helps us express ourselves, connect with others, and do our work in the world. This practical workshop includes instruction and asana variations to stabilize what is weak and release what is bound, creating more freedom in the shoulders and a clear connection to the outer world.

 Lecture 15%; Guided Practice 75%; Discussion 10%

avatar for Angie Norwood

Angie Norwood

Founder, Owner, CONTINUUM, a School of Shadow Yoga
When I'm not teaching yoga, you can find me romping through the forest with my 80-pound puppy, sharing a good cup of coffee with a friend or creating something new in the kitchen. I'm truly honored to be part of the BYF faculty this year, and look forward to connecting at a yoga class... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm PDT
Riverbend Park | WATER TENT

2:00pm PDT

Flowing with the Five Prāṇas

When we think of breathing, we think of just inhaling and exhaling. And when a yoga class gets challenging, we often forget to do both! Yes, breathing is the most important aspect in a yoga practice and can significantly transform a student’s progress.

In the Yogic perspective, there are five specific channels for Prana to travel which can either help a yoga pose or negatively affect it. In this session you will learn all five directions, discover where you might be deficient, and understand how they can affect you on a mental, emotional, and physical level. We will then do a practice playing with these pathways to explore the whole being which you inhabit. A meditation will follow to set the energy we’ve cultivated.

You will leave with new tools to apply to your practice and to your life, expanding beyond your limitations. You will feel access to your whole torso with a serene sense of inner grounding. Your yoga will progress to a new, rewarding level.

No more than 30 minutes explanation, followed by a Vinyasa Flow practice using the information.  This workshop is best suited for intermediate students so that more attention can be paid on the work inside the pose instead of how to do the pose.

Recommended Props:  2 blocks, 1 strap, 1-2 blankets. (Do what you can.)

avatar for Jeanne Heileman

Jeanne Heileman

Founder, Yoga Educator, Tantra Flow Yoga
Jeanne Heileman, MA, 500-ERYT, ParaYoga Level II Certified for 8 years, founder of Tantra Flow Yoga®, was introduced to yoga as a dancer and actress. Facing ongoing pain from scoliosis, yoga gives her valuable tools for physical realignment and acceptance of difficulties. In her... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm PDT
Riverbend Park | EARTH TENT
  Vinyasa-based practice
  • Experience Level Intermediate - Advanced
  • Music None
  • PROPS REQUIRED Whatever you enjoy in your vinyasa practice
  • Pre-requisite: Knowledge of vinyasa flow yoga
  • Production Notes BYF PA + headset mic

2:00pm PDT

Move with Grace | A Sound Off™ Headphone Experience

Movement and transitions are the heartbeat of life. They are an energetic devotion to expand, create, and continuously become more connected with self. In Move with Grace, you will learn specific techniques on how to transition gracefully between postures so you can feel the freedom in your movement, flow with ease, and express from the heart.

100% Guided Practice

avatar for Rebecca Rasmussen

Rebecca Rasmussen

Senior Teacher/Trainer, Inside Flow
Rebecca spent her life studying the body through the world of dance. She graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Boston Conservatory and toured internationally for over a decade with the world-renowned dance company MOMIX. Rebecca is an Inside Flow Senior Teacher, Chromatic... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm PDT
Riverbend Park | FIRE TENT
  Vinyasa-based practice, Nervous System Regulation
  • Experience Level All levels
  • Music Playlist
  • Pre-requisite: Some vinyasa experience helpful
  • Production Notes Sound Off headphone system & headset mic

4:00pm PDT

FULL - Yogi Happy Hour Hypnotrance to Manifest your Intentions | A Sound Off™ Headphone Experience - FULL

Did you miss the nighttime glow flow last year? Here's your chance to try something magical and new created by Sianna Sherman -- who is now a certified hypnotherapist. Groove to the sounds of the DJ (Heavenly3lues) while Sianna expertly guides you on a hypnotic yoga flow with a hypnotic trance journey to unlock your hidden powers. Gather in community and strengthen your New Moon Intentions to manifest by the next Full Moon!

This is a SoundOFF Headphone experience!

Join us for some lighthearted fun and a profound journey in psyche and soul. 

avatar for Sianna Sherman

Sianna Sherman

Visionary & Founder, Rasa Yoga Collective
My pronouns are she/her. I’m an international yoga teacher, storyteller, speaker, and guide for transformative experiences through yoga, alchemy and collective ritual. I’m the visionary and founder of Rasa Yoga, Mythic Yoga Flow®, and RITUAL 13-Moon Mystery School.
avatar for Heavenly3lues


Jeremy Arndt (Heavenly3lues) has been fusing the mindfulness based practices of yoga and meditation with his music for over a decade both as a solo artist, and as the co-founder of Settle Into Stillness. Since 2009, he has traveled the globe, with music as his guide, studying different... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Riverbend Park | FIRE TENT
  Vinyasa-based practice
  • Production Notes Sound Off headphone system & headset mic

4:00pm PDT

Free Your Breath, The Rest Will Follow

In this subtle yet powerful practice, dive into a sequence of poses designed specifically to open your breath. Experience the peace and euphoria that comes from bringing mobility to your primary and accessory respiratory muscles. Class will conclude with classic pranayama practice, said to be the gateway to meditation. Perfect whether you've been wanting to establish a pranayama practice or to hit the pause button, recharge, and renew.

This is a more gentle class.

avatar for Amy Ippoliti

Amy Ippoliti

Founder, Yoga Educator, Amy Ippoliti Yoga, Vessilify
Amy Ippoliti is known for bringing yoga to modern-day life in a genuine way through her intelligent sequencing, clear instruction, and engaging sense of humor. She shares her passion for yoga, health, soil advocacy, marine conservation, and regenerative practices through her teachings... Read More →
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Settle Into Stillness

Nancy Grzeszak | Jeremy Arndt
Settle into Stillness unites the healing power of conscious relaxation with sacred sound. Settle Into Stillness was founded by Jeremy Arndt and Nancy Grzeszak, whose paths converged in 2011, igniting a shared passion for yoga and music that would ultimately blossom into a transformative... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm PDT
Riverbend Park | AIR TENT
  Holistic Yoga Workshop
  • Production Notes Settle Into Stillness-provided sound system & headset mic

4:00pm PDT

The Art of Apnea

This is an active learning workshop dedicated to dialing you in and giving you a deeper understanding of yourself. Apnea, otherwise known as the breath hold, is not only a form of fitness and strength building. It is also a form of active meditation.

This class is for the athlete, fitness enthusiast, entrepreneur, health care worker, or anyone trying to have a better grasp on stress and anxiety management.

This is a level 1 class, and is perfect for beginners.

Adam is a certified performance breathing coach with years of experience. He is looking forward to sharing this experience with you!

"Learn to hold your breath, and you will have a deep understanding of yourself." - Natalie Molchanova woman's free diving champion and multiple world record holder (

BRING: A phone or something to keep track of time for the exercises

avatar for Adam Spillman

Adam Spillman

Breathwork Facilitator, Oxygen Collective
🌟 Meet Adam Spillman, Your Guide to Optimal Well-being 🌟Five years ago, Adam embarked on a transformative journey when faced with a life-altering diagnosis, Stage 3c testicular cancer. In the depths of uncertainty, and after being given one week to live without treatment he... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm PDT
Riverbend Park | WATER TENT

8:00pm PDT

FULL - Sunset Paddle on the Deschutes - FULL

A $29 add-on ticket is required for this session. You can purchase that ticket on our website, just scroll down inside the ticket window to see all the add-ons available: LINK

Let Lori get you on the river to enjoy the river from the special vantage point of sunset.

avatar for Lori Skiles

Lori Skiles

Owner/Guide/Instructor, Paddle Board Oregon
Meet Lori, the founder of Paddle Board Oregon, an experienced certified SUP Guide/outfitter and instructor. She has spent much of her life in//on the water. She divides her time between Bend and Hawaii, residing part-time on a sailboat, sailing and SUPing off the shores of Oahu. Extensive... Read More →

Saturday June 8, 2024 8:00pm - 9:00pm PDT
Riverbend Park
  Add-on Adventures, Paddle Boarding
  • Experience Level All levels
  • Pre-requisite: None
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